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You know those New Year’s Resolution thingies you wrote out a couple weeks ago?
Forgotten already?
We’re FINALLY here to help you keep those Resolutions AND create a more productive 2013. Time Management expert Laura Vanderkam joins us in the basement this week to discuss her books, including her two latest e-books: What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast and What the Most Successful People Do On The Weekend.
<> Open
<2:35> H&R Block – Details on starting your own taxes and getting a 15% discount? Details here.
<3:30> Fiscal Cliff and New Year’s Resolutions
We discuss a few of Hank at MoneyQandA‘s How To Actually Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions This Time
<7:43> Better Time Management with Laura Vanderkam: Author of:
168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think
All the Money in the World: What the Happiest People Know About Getting and Spending
What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast (eBook)
What the Most Successful People Do On The Weekend (eBook)
Check out Laura’s blog: Laura Vanderkam.com
<39:37> PK’s Fractional Sense: New Years and Numbers (or How I Learned to Love Google)
<44:07> Let’s Give Something Away!
Here’s our awesome prize:
Congrats also to our December winner, AV! You are taking home the book Mommy Millionaire by Kim Lavine
<49:43> Shortwave One-on-One with Barbara Friedberg – 2013 Predictions
<> Close: Movies –
OG – Coach Carter (rewatch, recommend)
Joe – Lincoln (recommend)
I have studied successful people all my life by reading their autobiographies and reading about them in periodicals. By now, I have become one of them and it makes me very happy.
Study, study, study….it’s funny, Tony Robbins says this very thing. If one successful person says it, what they’re saying might be an outlier. If several say it, it’s probably the truth.
44:07 – Let’s tease Lance at Money Life and More AGAIN! Well… at least I’m the defacto winner of this month’s giveaway right now!
Ha! I’m glad you think we’re teasing you….I can’t believe you’ve a) made it to the coin flip; and b) lost this many times in a row.
I’ve been in a serious funk the last few weeks. But after listening to the podcast, I’m starting to feel a little more excited about getting back into the swing of things. Maybe it’s just feeling like I’m connecting with bloggers (which always energizes me), but I really enjoyed this podcast 🙂
Great podcast! Really enjoyed the interview with Laura. And I am guilty of saying “funny, but not funny ha, ha” to my husband all the time 🙂
One of my favourite sayings is “If they can do it, I can do it”. And I say this while looking at successful people. The funny thing is that some people look at me and say that. You never know what type of inspiration you leave behind so I try to be the best I can and leave a bit of knowledge in my wake so that if people want to follow suit, they can!
Maybe I’m biased but…. this podcast is so inspiring!! I love to listen to your witty reparte. You are so great on radio Joe 🙂 And the subject matter and discussion with Laura is great.
You and I had fun, didn’t we?
I love your podcast and I’m glad you’re back on the air!
Thanks, Kathleen. It was a nice break, but OG & I were ready to get back into it. We have a blast making these shows.