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Twue wuve…… (bonus points if you can identify that line below).
If you’re lookin’ for love, we’ve got the best episode EV-AR. Plus, we show you how to plan your mortgage and the pitfalls of running financial planning simulations. I get the chills just thinkin’ about how fun this episode will be for you!
Alison Paoli from Zillow joins the show this week to share the results of a recent study: The Top 10 Towns to Find Love. If you missed your true love this Valentine’s Day, maybe it’s time to move. She’ll show you to the top cities that should be on your list. Many of them you’d expect, but some are big surprises.
Worried about financing a mortgage when you move? Joe and special guest neighbor Doug discuss a USA Today piece which suggests interest rates may stay low for some time. We even throw in a great way to pay your mortgage….one that gives you flexibility and helps you pay off the mortgage earlier than you might have expected. You are so, so welcome!
Finally, PK discusses Monte Carlo simulations. Don’t know what they are? Not only are probabilities used in financial planning, but they’ll also share with you the percentage probability that you’ll meet your goals.
Thanks again to my mom’s neighbor Doug for filling in this week. No thanks to him for eating pizza the entire episode…don’t worry….it’s not nearly as gross as you think it might be….
2 Guys & Your Money Show Notes
<> Open
<3:30> H & R Block Offer
<5:23> USA Today: Fed will continue policy for the next year
<13:55> Alison Paoli, Zillow: The Best Cities to Find Your True Love
<29:25> Let’s Give Something Away
The awesome giveaway is right here: 2 Guys & Your Money Giveaway Page
<34:45> PK from DQYDJ talks about the upsides and big downsides of Monte Carlo simulations
<40:30> End Show
– Life of Pi (Doug – thumbs up)
– Warm Bodies (Joe – thumbs up)
I love the Princess Bride! Great stuff!