We joke in this episode that when either OG or I have given college planning seminars at preschools, nobody shows up. But guess how many come when we speak at a high school to parents of juniors and seniors? Usually we’d have around 150 – 250 people. Packed house.
Let’s review: nobody comes when it was be easier to plan for college. Everyone shows up when you have few choices.
This week, we help you avoid the last minute “financial planner-at-high school seminar” with our favorite ways to save for junior’s education. On second thought, why stop at junior? How about YOUR education?
Dr. Dean leads the roundtable this week through a cool discussion of how different health insurances work. You’ll love the 101 style of this talk. If you don’t know the difference between an HMO, PPO and deductible, you’re in luck.
PK brings it this week with his second discussion on innumeracy…you’ve heard of not being able to read before (illiteracy). He’s back with a vengence on people not being able to do math.
Finally, we’re high fiving Dave Ramsey this week, as well as giving you one last chance to “guess the voice” and enter our drawing for Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover.
Enjoy the show!
Show Notes
<open> The snowball method…
<> PK’s Fractional Sense: Innumeracy
<> Let’s Give Something Away: Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover
<> Roundtable: Health Insurance Options
<> Top 5 Ways to Save For College
<> End Show
Hey thanks for shout out about the Debt Snowball article. Good thing behavior trumps math…I can’t add anyway.