When you are buying a vehicle, the purchase price isn’t the only cost that should be on your mind. Maintenance expenses also need to be a main consideration. If it takes a large financial investment to keep a car running properly, you may discover that a car you thought you could afford is actually a budget buster. By understanding which cars are the most expensive to maintain, you can avoid that issue. Here’s a look at some of the costliest vehicles to keep on the road.
Luxury brands tend to come with higher price tags, and not just at the time of purchase. BMW X1 owners typically spend close to $17,700 over the course of 10 years just on maintenance. Considering that a new X1 usually costs around $40,000, that’s a lot of extra money to put toward the vehicle.
Still, the X1 does have a great reputation when it comes to comfort and style. As a result, some people may feel it’s worth the investment.
The BMW X2 is in an incredibly similar position to the X1. It has a purchase price of a bit less than $44,000 on average. However, its 10-year maintenance cost comes in just a bit under $17,800, putting it more than $2,000 above similar vehicles in its category.
Mercedes Benz GLA Class
Another vehicle on the luxury side of the spectrum, taking care of a Mercedes Benz GLA Class is far from cheap. Usually, it’s because parts costs can be particularly high. Additionally, there can be some specialty servicing in the equation that pushes the price up.
Still, spending nearly $14,000 in maintenance over the course of 10 years is a big ask. That’s especially true since the car costs just a bit more than $35,000 new in most cases.
Nissan Murano
Originally launched in 2003, the Nissan Murano breaks the mold when it comes to maintenance costs. While a typical Nissan has upkeep expenses close to $7,600 over the course of 10 years, the Murano comes in closer to $14,700. Considering Nissan isn’t classified a luxury manufacturer and the Murano has an MSRP starting near $33,000, that’s pretty spendy to keep the vehicle on the road.
Audi A4 Quatro
The Audi A4 is considered an entry-level model for the manufacturer, giving those who want to take their first step into the luxury vehicle segment a relatively affordable place to begin. With a starting MSRP of close to $40,000, most wouldn’t assume the car would cost around $12,800 to maintain for 10 years.
The total maintenance cost just slightly outdoes the brand average, which comes in at $12,400. However, since the sales price of the A4 is lower than essentially every other Audi, it could make the entry-level model unaffordable for some.
Mazda 6
Generally speaking, Mazda vehicles are known for having quite a bit of pep in their step. The Mazda 6 is one of the manufacturer’s sedans, offering a pretty sporty experience in a somewhat unassuming form factor. However, the performance comes with a high price tag.
When the starting MSRP for a Mazda 6 is under $25,000, its 10-year maintenance costs run close to $12,700. Considering that the average 10-year maintenance cost for the brand is just $7,500, that could easily catch new Mazda 6 owners off guard.
Do you know of any other cars that are expensive to maintain? Do you own one of the vehicles above and have a firsthand account of the maintenance costs? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Read More:
- 5 Steps to Care for an Older Car
- Refinancing Your Car-Here Are the Pros and Cons
- What Is the Smartest Way to Buy a Car?
Tamila McDonald is a U.S. Army veteran with 20 years of service, including five years as a military financial advisor. After retiring from the Army, she spent eight years as an AFCPE-certified personal financial advisor for wounded warriors and their families. Now she writes about personal finance and benefits programs for numerous financial websites.
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