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Monday, Monday. It’s the perfect day to peer out the window and dream about…..well, how about traveling around the world on less than it would cost to sit at home?
It sounds good to us, too, which is why this week on the show we interview Adam Shepard. Maybe you’ve read the book reviews, so you’ve heard everyone else’s thoughts about Adam. Now let’s hear Adam’s story from his own mouth. He’ll talk about fighting bulls, his favorite countries around the world, the places he’d never return to in a million years, and more. Of course, he’ll talk about how he saved up the $20k to take the trip in the first place. Inspirational? It was so inspirational I wanted to get off the interview and tell Cheryl we were leaving right now.
Here’s Adam:
Want another one? Here’s Adam bullfighting:
We’ll tell you how he ended up in the bull ring on the podcast.
The rest of the show ain’t slouchin’ neither (welcome to Texarkana, folks!). OG & Joe discuss the stat of the week (a third of the population ENJOYS doing their taxes!), the shortwave gang discusses the fact that 41% of people surveyed say they can’t contribute to a retirement plan because their bills are too high, and PK discusses the ridiculousness known as benchmarking.
Of course, that autographed Jean Chatzky book is still up for grabs, so you could win that, too. All you have to do is guess the name (and this is our easiest name-guess ever).
Finally, we discuss the future of the show. Three show left until this grasshopper becomes a butterfly.
PS – Oh, yeah! I almost forgot movies! OG saw Lincoln, and Joe saw Oblivion.
As always, show notes will appear magically throughout the day on Monday.
Show Notes
<> Open
<> Stat of the Week: 36% of people enjoy doing their taxes
<> Adam Shepard: One Life Lived
<> PK’s Fractional Sense: Benchmarking
<> Let’s Give Something Away
<> Shortwave: Can’t Afford To Save???? Huh????
<> End Show –
– The future of the show.
– Movies: OG – Lincoln (thumb up) Joe – Oblivion (thumb sideways–movie isn’t as advertised)
A third of the population ENJOYS doing their taxes?!? I will never understand these people. I loath our tax code so much that I despise doing my income taxes. There are so many more efficient ways of taxation that would reward production! Rant over 🙂
How funny is that? When I saw that stat, I knew it was podcast material….we had fun with this one.
This sounds really interesting. Would love to travel the world more =D
His bullfighting story on the show was hilarious. Actually, the whole time he talked, I couldn’t stop laughing. That’s a guy I’d like to just go hang out with….
Glad you were able to interview Adam. That book was very inspirational and I put a review up on my site. I talked to my wife after I read it and said we needed to get moving. It is amazing what you can accomplish with so little money as long as you have motivation.
I’m reading Adam’s book now! So inspiring!
It was awesome talking to him. When he started telling stories I wanted to pack my bags and leave on the trip right now.