Credit cards are one of those areas that are often misunderstood. Like any form of borrowing, there are a few inherent risks but credit cards can prove very useful.
With this in mind, here is some useful information about how such a card may benefit you. If this sounds like something that could prove to be an advantage then you can apply for an online credit card quickly and easily.
It is important to remember that credit cards are optional, of course, but having one can certainly provide an important safety net.
How can it help?
Credit cards allow you instant access to credit. As a card, this essentially allows you to borrow credit when and where you need it. There’s no negotiating either, since you only borrow the exact amount of the expense needed.
It’s still credit and, as such, is expected to be paid off but its position as revolving credit means that whilst you pay off the balance regularly you’re still free to use the card should you need to. Where you need money urgently this can be a real lifeline and means you don’t have to constantly submit new credit applications each time you need additional cash.
Who is it for?
If you’re wise with your money and understand when you should and shouldn’t spend money then a credit card can prove advantageous. Likewise, there are some competitive options too. Some credit cards may be designed for full-time workers and there are others designed for those with poor credit ratings. You can also look at credit cards for students which, again, helps provide a form of borrowing for a specific financial situation and consumer.
Other benefits
The main benefit of a credit card is the instant borrowing. Credit cards are flexible options, allowing you to borrow both small and larger amounts if and when it’s needed.
A lot of cards can also offer you competitive rates. The aquacard classic offers a rate of 32.9% APR. The aqua advance, on the other hand starts at 34.9% APR but if you keep to your credit limit and repay on time you will receive an annual reduction of 5% for the first three years your APR drops to 19.9% by the end of that term.
Furthermore, most credit cards don’t add interest if you pay off the balance within the month. As such they can be used as an ideal form of cash advancement. If you only borrow what you know you can pay off then you’re not losing money in the process.