There may come a time when you’re paying almost as much in your monthly credit card payments as you’re paying for housing. Or, perhaps, those high interest rates render erasing your debt impossible. If that’s the case, you may want to negotiate with your credit card issuers. Here’s what you should know.
5 Reasons Why Executives Are Joining the Remote Workforce
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that remote work has remained popular among workers post-pandemic. This was widely seen as a desirable perk even prior to the shutdowns. Now, however, it’s largely been proven that people can be as productive (if not more so) when working remotely. [Read more…]
Tips for enjoying yourself without spending money
If you want to be financially frugal, one of the best ways to stop yourself from overspending on entertainment is to simply seek out things to do that are free or that cost a minimal amount.
Tips for Getting More Out of Your Retirement
As enjoyable as it can be to have a job that you love, your free time is very much important. This is why people will always look forward to having evenings and weekends to themselves. After all, these are the times when people are just allowed to do the things that they love and enjoy. Whether you are looking to just relax and take it easy or if you want to make some memories, the choice is yours. [Read more…]
How to Save Money on Your Weekends
Free time is sadly very much finite, so when the weekend rolls around, it’s easy to succumb to the internal pressure to splash out and treat yourself to any and every luxury that you see fit. While you might recognize this as something that you want to cut back on for the sake of your financial situation, it can be difficult to stop once you’re in the swing of it, because the prospect of spending no money at the weekend might simply leave you unsure as to what to do. [Read more…]
6 Benefits of Hiring a Part-Time CFO
The chief financial officer (CFO) is critical to the business’ success because they oversee the company’s financial operations and contribute to the decision-making process. However, if you have a limited budget or run a small company, you may not have adequate funds or workload to maintain an in-house CFO.
However, this does not mean you cannot benefit from financial executive services. With part-time chief financial officer services, you can have all your financial demands handled without breaking your bank. Read on for more benefits of hiring a part-time CFO. [Read more…]
Setting Aside Money for When You Move into our New Home: What Might You Need It For?
Moving home can be quite a stressful thing to do. People say that moving home and getting married are the two most stressful things people go through in their life. There may be some truth to this, but there are loads that someone can do in order to mitigate this stress. Planning is the key to this, and putting time into making sure this is effective is really important. Without planning effectively, not only could you find this incredibly stressful, but you may find yourself in financial difficulty or even worse, the move may not go ahead. [Read more…]
Need a Side-Hustle: Here Are Some Fast Ways to Make Extra Money
Dropshipping, affiliate marketing, blogging and social media influencing. These are all quick and easy side hustles that people started doing to earn extra money. Starting a side hustle can help pay the bills, can be done from anywhere, and allows you to work at your own pace. In rare cases, a side hustle can even become a fully-fledged business. So, who wouldn’t want to start a side hustle?
Important Things to Consider When Making A Budget For Your Small Business
When you’re starting a small business, one of the most important things you need to do is create a budget. This document will outline your expenses and your income, and it will help you stay on track as your business grows. There are many factors to consider when creating a budget for your small business, and this article will discuss some of the most important ones. [Read more…]
What insurance do small businesses need?
There’s so much to consider when starting a small business – so much so that insurance may not have even popped up on your radar. All that said, insurance is probably the most necessary factor in starting a business, in order to protect against those unforeseen risks (say, a pandemic), as well as ensuring you avoid any unnecessary fines.
Legally, you are only required to have one policy, which is employers’ liability insurance (EL). This covers your business in the event of an employee claiming illness or injury as a result of working for you, with legal and compensation costs covered by EL. You could be fined £2,500 for each day you don’t have this coverage.
So just the one policy required by law – nice and simple, right? Many small business owners opt for additional kinds of insurance too.
So what’s out there?
Public liability insurance (PL) is very similar to employers’ liability insurance, with the key difference that it covers any claims made against you by members of the public. PL picks up the hefty bill should any unfortunate accidents occur.
Professional indemnity insurance (PI) works in a similar way, though in this instance it is designed for claims of financial loss rather than illness or injury. Then you have directors and officers’ liability insurance (D&O), which covers the individuals with management responsibility rather than the business itself.
Contents and portable equipment insurance could also be useful for you. If you’re a small business, you’ll inevitably be reliant on technology. This insurance covers smartphones, tablets, laptops and cameras – all of which are often necessities for the modern business regardless of size.
When it comes to tech, it’s vital to protect against the instance of a cybercrime with cyber liability insurance. Cybercrime has reached ‘epidemic proportions’ according to reports. With cyber liability insurance, you are at least covered to a degree.
What about your employees?
Your employees are the foundation stone of your business, so making sure they are covered for any eventuality is hugely important. Employee life insurance is arguably one of the most valuable benefits a company can offer for all parties. That said, it’s also important to make sure the option chosen is right for your business and its employees.
If the worst should occur, life insurance offers security for the family of the employee. Life insurance may go under many various different monikers, but the security it provides is universal. In light of the Covid pandemic, we should take nothing for granted at this point, even those of us of a younger disposition. After all, life is unpredictable at the best of times.
As with most things in life, it’s vital to consider the individual needs of each employee. After all, it could lead to employees paying a great deal more than they would like for unsuitable coverage in terms of their personal needs. Not all employees will have a family that needs security should they pass on, whereas others might have a sizable family. Ultimately, this is why getting the best advice on which policies are best can put your employees ahead of the game.
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