The upcoming storm of rising interest rates and increasing lender cautiousness makes life difficult for people with already bad credit ratings. In the coming year, you will have to tighten up and you will have to make a new start to get your credit rating back on track. Forget about the mistakes of the past and read our tips for how people with bad credit can survive the storm.
Don’t Cancel Your Credit Cards
Do you have a spending bug you can’t seem to beat? The worst thing you can do is to cancel your credit cards. Unbelievably, this is a sign of panic and lenders will kick your credit score in the pants for doing it. The alternative is to leave these lines of credit open, but cut up the card. That way you’ve effectively closed your account without hurting your credit score.
Can You Kick a Debt Quick?
The reason why so many people have bad credit is spiraling debt. They get into a situation where they have so many bills coming in they can’t pay them all off and they barely remember who they owe and how much they have to pay.
Start the next year by hitting a debt right between the eyes. Get together a lump sum and pay off some debts in their entirety. This is a form of debt consolidation that will make it easier to rebuild your credit rating later on.
Talk to Your Lenders
It’s amazing how many borrowers won’t speak to the people who have leant them money. Nevertheless, this is a powerful tool in your resource. If you’re having problems paying your debts or rebuilding your credit rating, talk to these people. Tell them your difficulties.
They’ll often work out a different agreement to help you make your repayments. They don’t care about anything except getting their money back, so any chance to make a formal arrangement will be grasped with both hands.
Too Many Loans?
This is the first step. We’re not saying that you need to stop taking out all loans. You need some lines of credit if you’re going to rebuild your score. However, what people need to understand is that in the future lenders are going to be more stringent than ever before. Every rejected application leaves a stain on your credit record; therefore, you should only apply for loans you’re practically guaranteed to receive. A good choice might be a company like the where their focus is to help people find personal loans with bad credit. Interest rates will be higher but again your best bet is to not apply for loans.
Get a “Bad Credit” Credit Card
Someone with bad credit has the problem of not being able to easily get any new lines of credit. They need a higher rating. This is where “bad credit” credit cards come in. These are types of cards designed specifically for people with bad credit.
Here are some characteristics of these cards:
- Higher interest rates.
- Lower limits.
- Lack of choice.
As you can see, the upcoming debt storm isn’t a reason to panic. Keep a cool head and you should have no problems getting out of that pit of bad credit.