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It’s job transition time on this week’s show.
If you’re ready to leave your job OR you’ve been asked to leave, this is the show for you.
Thanks to Evil HR Lady, Suzanne Lucas, for explaining severance tricks and to Jefferson from See Debt Run for giving us some awesome interview tips.
PK talks statistics while Len Penzo, Barbara Friedberg, Dominique Brown and Dr. Dean Burke discuss how to handle the unemployed period.
On this episode we find out who won the November giveaway.
Show Notes:
<> Open
Book reference: 48 Days To The Work You Love by Dan Miller
<5:35> Interview with Suzanne Lucas from Evil HR Lady.org – Severance Packages
<19:32> PK from DQYDJ.net: The most interesting employment statistic
<23:52> Shortwave: How to handle your money when you’re between jobs
Check out the bloggers featured on our Shortwave segment here
<42:00> Let’s Give Something Away:
Guess that voice, tweet or become a Facebook friend and enter the giveaway here.
<48:30> Jefferson from SeeDebtRun discussing his article The Interview Question That Is ALWAYS Asked
<1.02:22> End Show: Films
OG: Waiting For Superman (thumb up), Joe: Life of Pi (thumb up)
Excellent Podcast today guys! The questions that Jefferson offered up about what to ask at the end of an interview reminded me of when I and several other managers were interviewing new PMs a few years ago. One guy that we interviewed, his last question to us was “work wise, what keeps you up at night?”.
Great Podcast.. I agree that some organizations are closing up the books for the year and setting goals for the next year and sometimes that means saying goodbye to employees. It’s probably the worst thing that could happen to someone but the reality is a business is a business. I know they say if you are going to let someone go it’s best to do it on a Friday rather than a Monday. When someone does lose their job some go into panic mode and literally freak out. It’s best to chill out relax, soak it up and make a game plan. There’s nothing worse than doing something you didn’t mean to do because you were in panic mode. The interview is the one place where you as a potential employee get to not only have questions tossed your way but you reciprocate asking your own questions. Why do I want to work for you? Cheers!
My favorite part was where I made the coin flip… least favorite part followed shortly after.
love this! listened to this in lieu of bad TV. Now I’m off to see Life of Pi and Waiting for Superman. And Christmas movies. Always.
i had a blast doing this John, and really appreciate you thinking of me when you decided to tackle this topic.. The whole show is a great listen, as always.
Thanks for coming on the show, man! I’ve had some great emails from thankful listeners. You made fantastic points that’ll hopefully help some people get the job!
Jefferson of SeeDebtRun was such a great interview! My wife and I are both looking at new opportunities, so we’ll be using his tips during our next interviews for sure.