Student loan debt is becoming a common financial crisis in the United States. A majority of students are graduating with huge amounts of debt and feeling crushed by the financial burden. More and more graduates are searching for ways to pay off student loans quickly so they can experience financial freedom before making other financial investments.
It’s unfair that an entire generation of young Americans have to wait even longer than older generations to purchase a home or start saving for retirement simply because they wanted to get an education. Therefore, if you have student loan debt it’s a good idea to employ every strategy that you can to pay it off quickly.
This article will go over a few general tips and strategies for how you could quickly pay down your student loan balances, so you can become financially independent once more!
- Make Sure to Fit Debt into Your Budget
When making your monthly budget, whether you are single and just out of school or budgeting for a family, always take your student debt into account. Budget in your student loan debt, credit card debt, title loan debt, mortgage, and any other debt you may have. Make sure you include your debts into your budgets as they should always be the main priority. Try to allocate more money toward your debt than what is required.
- Pay Extra on Higher Interest Loans
If you are going to make extra payments on your student loans over the minimum, then put that extra cash towards higher interest loans. The interest rates are constantly growing your debt load and paying off those loans with the highest rates first will save you money in the long run. And when paying more than your minimum, tell your servicer to apply that overage to your current balance and not simply to next month’s payment.
- Determine Whether Refinancing is Right for You
When trying to decide whether refinancing is a good idea or not, it is not a clear black and white determination. It completely depends upon the situation; whether your loans are federal or private, whether you have good credit and a good job, whether your loans are subsidized or unsubsidized. Research your options, calculate how you might save or lose money, and make the decision that is best for you.
- Enroll in Autopay
Make sure that you never miss a payment or get charged a late fee by signing up for autopay. Enrolling in autopay can even get you a minor interest rate discount with federal servicers. Along with the discount, you will be able to set up multiple payments and ensure you pay your loans as a priority.
- Pay More than Once a Month
Instead of just paying once a month, you can trick yourself into paying way more and cutting down your repayment schedule drastically by simply making two payments a month instead. This doesn’t even mean you have to pay double a month, but just twice. That will still make a difference.
Persistence and hard work will take care of your student loan debt once and for all. Just stick with it and follow these suggestions and before you know it, you’ll see that the diligence was so worth it.
For more reading, consider checking out this article from Nerdwallet on how to pay off your student loans fast.
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