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Cha-Ching! Thinking about ways to earn a little extra jingle? This is the episode for you. Jackie Beck from MoneyCrush joins us to talk about 101 Ways to Make Extra Money in Your Spare Time. Our bloggers from around the country discuss their best side-income ventures AND when it doesn’t make sense to focus on side ventures. OG & I talk about the role of exercise in earning more money and we give away the Digipiggybank from February’s contest. Will Lance finally win?
As always, show notes will fill in throughout the day Monday.
Show Notes
<> Open
<> Exercise and Money
<> PK: part 2 – Credit
<> Jackie Beck – link to the book: 101 Ways to Make Extra Money in Your Spare Time
Link to Jackie’s MoneyCrush blog
<> Shortwave: Good side hustles & when it doesn’t make sense to side hustle
From Len Penzo’s Blog: How a Broken Washing Machine Fixed My Finances
From Dominique Brown’s Blog: We Have Over $400k In Debt and I Love It
From Carrie Smith’s Blog: Are You Engaging Your Community of Customers?
Interested in Carrie’s Google Hangout Thursday, March 14? Here’s the link to learn more: Taxes for Freelancers and Small Business Owners.
<> Let’s Give Something Away
How about winning a book by time management writer Laura Vanderkam?
Enter Our Giveaway Here For a Chance to Be One of Five Winners!
<> End Show
Films: Joe – The Quartet (thumb down)
Definitely going to give the Stitcher app a try, haven’t heard of it until now. I know there are other ways to listen to podcasts on non-Apple phones, but looks like you recommend this one?
That’s the one I listen to podcasts on. It’s so easy to use (a little annoying at first, but once you get the quirks, it’s quick and painless). I listen to about 15 podcasts using the Stitcher app, DC. I think you’ll like it. Shoot me an email if you have any issues getting it running.
I’ve never really listened (gasp, tech confession) to podcasts but you guys have convinced me to start. I’m downloading Stitcher to my already bloated smart phone and if it doesn’t explode, will listen to your “casts!
Thanks, Jose! It isn’t a hard-hitting show…we’re more about laid back financial discussions and having fun with money as the central theme.
This was a great show and podcast! I really enjoyed listening and love the topic. I’m going to check out Jackie’s book tonight! Thanks for the info and show!!!
Thanks, Andre! It was fun putting this one together. Jackie was fun to interview and has some great ideas in the book. I was impressed with all the links to outside resources.
That Sticher app is cool! I’m going to get it. I was just thinking about something like this for another podcast I listen too. Thanks Joe!
It makes it really easy. I used to download shows to iTunes (and still do for my iPod), but I usually use Stitcher to just listen on the fly. No downloading, just streaming.
you guys are a trip.
The best hustle out for the youth today is probably still selling candy.
After that cutting grass is still hiring.
Wasn’t Dominique’s candy story hilarious? I bet it still is selling candy that makes all the money….
Thanks for the links; great list!
Any chance you have podcast with some life insurance advice on it for those of us in our mid 30’s finally settling down? Thanks
Hey, Ryan. We talk life insurance on many shows. Episode 30 is the latest one where we talked about it. Thanks for the suggestion!