As a big, fat thank you to our early listeners, we’ve re-released an episode that people STILL write to me about. It’s an uber-motivational show with Natalie Sisson sharing her experience riding a bike through Africa and Chris Klinke discussing how he climbed Mt. Everest. By the way….since the interview, he’s scaled it yet again.
We’re re-releasing this one because about half the number of people listened to this episode as the rest. Why? We branded it wrong. The show was set to go off with the release of the film The Hobbit, which we thought would be a huge hit. Err….not so much.
So, if you haven’t heard it yet, you now have another chance. If you’ve already listened….there’s nothing to see here! Move on along…..we’ll see you with new material on Monday.
I have to say, I did enjoy the Hobbit, although it certainly wasn’t as good the past ones! Great interview–Natalie’s story is so interesting.
I loved her story. I can’t imagine taking the amount of time she took away to bike Africa. Definitely was an inspiring tale.