If your budget is tight and you are struggling to keep up with your monthly obligations, finding a way to lower your auto loan payment might seem like a smart move. Usually, car payments are one of the largest expenses in a household for those with an auto loan. The average new vehicle loan payment comes in at $554, while the average for used cars sits at $391. If refinancing lets you lower that amount, going through with it may be enticing. But refinancing a car isn’t always the best way to go. In fact, it can get you into some financial trouble if you aren’t careful. If you are considering an auto loan refinance, here’s why refinancing is a bad idea.
Tamila McDonald is a U.S. Army veteran with 20 years of service, including five years as a military financial advisor. After retiring from the Army, she spent eight years as an AFCPE-certified personal financial advisor for wounded warriors and their families. Now she writes about personal finance and benefits programs for numerous financial websites.