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Anxiety is like an unwanted narrator in your mind, constantly feeding you negative thoughts that feel real but aren’t. It whispers worst-case scenarios, makes you doubt yourself, and convinces you that things are worse than they actually are. The problem? Anxiety is a liar. It distorts reality, keeping you stuck in fear, doubt, and stress. The good news is that once you recognize these lies for what they are, you can take back control. Here are seven common lies anxiety tells you—and how to silence them for good.
1. “You’re Not Good Enough”
Anxiety thrives on self-doubt, making you believe you’ll never be smart enough, attractive enough, or successful enough. It convinces you that everyone else has it together while you’re falling behind. But the truth? No one is perfect, and no one has it all figured out. The key to silencing this lie is to challenge it with evidence. Look at your past accomplishments, remind yourself of your strengths, and recognize that your worth isn’t tied to perfection. You are more than enough just as you are.
2. “Everyone Is Judging You”
Anxiety loves to make you feel like you’re under a microscope, as if every mistake or awkward moment is being analyzed by everyone around you. In reality, most people are too busy worrying about themselves to focus on your every move. The next time anxiety tells you that people are judging you, remind yourself: everyone has their own insecurities, and they’re not nearly as focused on you as your anxiety wants you to believe.
3. “Something Bad Is About to Happen”
Anxiety has a way of making you feel like disaster is always around the corner. It fills your mind with “what ifs,” convincing you that if you relax, something bad will happen. But worrying about things that haven’t happened yet doesn’t prevent them—it just steals your peace in the present. The best way to fight this lie is to focus on facts, not fears. Ask yourself: Is there actual evidence that something bad will happen? Most of the time, the answer is no.
4. “You Have to Be in Control of Everything”
Anxiety tells you that if you don’t have complete control over every situation, things will fall apart. It pushes you to overthink, micromanage, and stress about things beyond your control. The truth? No one has complete control over life, and trying to will only leave you exhausted. Learning to let go and trust that you can handle whatever comes your way is one of the most powerful ways to silence anxiety.
5. “You’re a Burden to Others”

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Anxiety makes you believe that asking for help, venting about your problems, or simply being yourself is too much for others to handle. It tells you that your presence is an inconvenience, making you withdraw from the people who actually care about you. The reality? The people who love you want to support you. You are not a burden, and you don’t have to face everything alone. Reaching out for support is a strength, not a weakness.
6. “You’ll Never Feel Better”
When anxiety is at its worst, it convinces you that you’ll always feel this way. It makes temporary struggles feel permanent, leaving you hopeless. But emotions, including anxiety, are like waves—they rise, peak, and eventually fade. No feeling lasts forever, and you will have good days again. The best way to fight this lie is to remind yourself of past tough times you’ve made it through. If you’ve survived difficult moments before, you can do it again.
7. “You Don’t Deserve Happiness”
One of the most damaging lies anxiety tells you is that you don’t deserve happiness, success, or love. It makes you feel unworthy, as if good things are for other people—not you. But this is just anxiety talking, not reality. Everyone deserves happiness, including you. Practicing self-compassion and reminding yourself that you are just as worthy as anyone else can help break this harmful belief.
How to Silence Anxiety’s Lies for Good
Recognizing these lies is the first step, but how do you stop believing them? Start by challenging them—when a negative thought pops up, ask yourself, “Is this fact or fear?” Replace anxiety’s lies with truths, reminding yourself of the evidence against them. Practice mindfulness, focus on what you can control, and don’t be afraid to seek support from loved ones or professionals. The more you fight back against anxiety’s deception, the less power it has over you.
Have you caught yourself believing any of these lies? What helps you quiet anxiety when it tries to take over? Share your thoughts in the comments!
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Latrice is a dedicated professional with a rich background in social work, complemented by an Associate Degree in the field. Her journey has been uniquely shaped by the rewarding experience of being a stay-at-home mom to her two children, aged 13 and 5. This role has not only been a testament to her commitment to family but has also provided her with invaluable life lessons and insights.
As a mother, Latrice has embraced the opportunity to educate her children on essential life skills, with a special focus on financial literacy, the nuances of life, and the importance of inner peace.