Finding a credit card amongst the sea of choices today is daunting. Although you want the ease of swiping a card, and getting on with your day, you also strive for extra benefits. From points to free restaurant dinners, you’ve seen all the credit card incentives. However, United Explorer card benefits pinpoint your exact needs: travel luxuries. From growing flyer mile amounts to free checked bags, you have a travel partner with United.
Start with That Bonus Offer
You know you’ll use your credit card throughout the year, but United Explorer’s bonus offers may entice you to use this card more than others. Each calendar year, after spending $25,000, you automatically receive 10,000 bonus miles. Every year these bonus miles are available, making your trips across the globe easy to finance.
In fact, United Explorer wants you to have a solid start with flyer miles. When you charge $1,000 in the first 90 days after you receive the card. United Explorer automatically credits your account with 30,000 bonus miles. Your traveling will never be the same.
Traveling In Style
The glamor of flying has been tarnished recently with frustrating baggage fees and cattle call seating. Keep your party steeped in the lap of luxury with United Explorer’s benefits. If you are traveling as a couple, both of you are allowed one free checked bag when you fly with United. Even if you travel solo, you still have one bag that is free from high check-in fees.
Avoid the clamor of the group as everyone tries to board the plane at the same time. With United Explorer, you are allowed priority boarding, giving you time to stow your items in relaxing comfort. You can sit down before the rest of the plane boards.
Miles Add Up
Continue to fly with United to see your flyer miles grow exponentially. For example, you fly between Los Angeles and New York, and charge the tickets on your United Explorer card. Instead of earning traditional miles, you actually receive double miles for that trip.
Your other purchases are also not without their benefits. Regardless of the purchase, from dinner to that new cell phone, you earn one mile for each dollar spent. Those miles quickly add up. Use your credit card to charge almost every purchase, even a quick stop at a convenience store. You can pay off your balance at the end of the month to avoid interest charges, while still gaining crucial mileage.
Mileage Versatility
You are not limited with blackout dates using United Explorer card’s benefits. Any United flight can apply to your miles, including family flights with Asiana, US Airways, Lufthansa and others. In the past, your miles used to expire with other flyer programs, but maintaining a United Explorer card in good standing allows you to have miles that never expire. Save them up for a trip around the world. It is all up to your plans and spending habits.
Move On
If you have another United card, take advantage of the Explorer benefits by converting over. You are not applying for a brand new account, you are simply transferring your account. As a result of the change, you keep your original credit card number, but still receive Explorer benefits. If you have your credit card number on file with several merchants, this benefit makes the card change easy and trouble-free.
United Explorer card offers the world at your fingertips. With the added benefits for miles, baggage and seating, you are treated as royalty with any United flight. Keep this card handy for all your everyday needs to benefit with United Explorer’s fantastic program.
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